Supporting Improvement

Supporting Improvement

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What is ED STEPS?

  • ED STEPS is the Education Department’s System of Tiered E-Plans and Supports (ED STEPS). It is a process for improving the way the Department coordinates, collaborates and communicates to support districts and schools in addressing their needs. ED STEPS standardizes timelines and streamlines the process for assessing needs, developing plans and applying for funds. The ED STEPS process will be supported by improvements to the Department’s technology systems and tools, most notably the Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP), over the next several years.

What is the One Needs Assessment (ONA)?

The ONA pulls data from a variety of Department systems to create a needs analysis for districts, schools, and educational entities using their unique data to create recommended and required questions. The system has useful features such as auto saving and individualized priority needs selections. These priority needs become the structure for goals, strategies, and actions steps in the One Plan (OP).

FY23 Enhancements
  • The second tab within the One Needs Assessment previously was called the “Priority Needs Tab.” This tab is now the “Pre-Planning” tab.
  • To better assist entities completing the One Needs Assessment, a goal and strategy counter has been added to show the amount of goals and strategies that will be pulled over into the One Plan. 
  • A key enhancement is the alignment of language from the One Needs Assessment to the One Plan. For example, in the Pre-Planning tab, “improvement area” is now “primary strategy area” and “additional improvement area” is now “additional strategy area.”
Navigating the One Needs Assessment

What is a One Plan?

The One Plan is a systemic consolidated district planning tool for all district operations, strategically aligned to funding and resources and focused on improving outcomes for all students. Currently, the CCIP Planning Tool is being used to pilot the One Plan to prepare for the development of the ED STEPS system.  

Conducting a Root Cause Analysis: 

An Introduction to Root Cause Analysis
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