State Support Team Region 5

The image announces the release of PBIS Tier 1 Schoolwide Online Learning Modules. The text reads, 'They're finally here! The PBIS Tier 1 Schoolwide Online Learning Modules have been released. Find the online training that fits your specific needs!' The design features a bold red and white attention sign and a hand pointing up. To the right, a screenshot of the Ohio Department of Education PBIS professional development webpage is shown, featuring a video titled 'What does it take?' and three training options: Option A (Learning the Basics), Option B (Taking Your Knowledge Further), and Option C (Implementing PBIS in Your Building), with links to resources below each option.
Ohio’s Free Online Professional DevelopmentInterested in learning about PBIS for the first time, taking your knowledge about positive behavioral supports even further, or advancing your understanding about how to implement this important framework? There are resources here for you. If you work with young children in early childhood settings, check out the Education Station for the PBIS and Young Learners Series.Read More ▸
5 three dimensional stars slightly curved with a black background and hundreds of other small other stars resembling an outer space scene.
Region 5's Overall 5-Star District Award WinnersCongratulations to Canfield Local, McDonald Local, and Weathersfield Local for receiving the Overall 5-Star District Award for exceeding the State Standards across the five rated components. Read More ▸
Two sets of 5 three-dimensional stars slightly curved with a black background and hundreds of other small other stars resembling an outer space scene.
Region 5's Overall 5-Star Building Award WinnersCongratulations to all our buildings in Region 5 who were awarded the Overall 5-Star Building Award for exceeding state standards for their performance across the five rated components. Read More ▸
Two sets of 5 three-dimensional stars slightly curved with a black background and hundreds of other small other stars resembling an outer space scene.
Region 5's Overall 5-Star Building Award Winners (Cont.)Congratulations to all our buildings in Region 5 who were awarded the Overall 5-Star Building Award for exceeding state standards for their performance across the five rated components. Read More ▸
Image titled 'Rewards & Recognition: District & School Report Card Awards.' The text announces that Region 5's Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD) received the Overall 5-Star Award. Three schools—Choffin Career & Technical Center, Mahoning County Career & Technical Center, and Trumbull Career & Technical Center—are highlighted with five stars each. The bottom section explains that Career Technical Planning Districts support Ohio’s vision for equitable student outcomes through key metrics such as career readiness and are awarded based on performance in four rated components. The background is decorated with gold stars and a black and gold color theme.
Region 5's Career-Technical Planning District Overall 5-Star Award WinnersCongratulations to Choffin Career and Technical Center, Mahoning County Career and Technical Center, and Trumbull Career and Technical Center for achieving the Career-Technical Planning District Overall 5-Star Award, in recognition of their outstanding performance across four rated components.Read More ▸
Image titled 'Rewards & Recognition: District & School Report Card Awards.' The text highlights Region 5's Dropout Prevention and Recovery Exceeds Standards Award winners: Mahoning Valley Community School and Valley Virtual Remote Learning Academy. A gold trophy icon is displayed beside Mahoning Valley Community School. The bottom section explains that community schools serving a majority of students through dropout prevention and recovery programs (DOPR) are evaluated on graduation rate, achievement, gap closing, and progress in reading and mathematics. The background features a black and gold theme with scattered stars.
Region 5's Drop Out Prevention and Recovery Exceeds Standards Award WinnersCongratulations to Mahoning Valley Community School and Valley Virtual Remote Learning Academy for receiving the Dropout Prevention and Recovery Exceeds Standards Award. This honor is awarded to Dropout Prevention and Recovery Programs that exceed standards on their report cards.Read More ▸
people working at table
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Director's Message Learn about State Support Team Region 5 services and responsibilities as part of Ohio’s efforts to meet the needs of all students.
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