Ohio Improvement Process
The Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) is a systems framework of collaborative team protocols to analyze data, research aligned improvement strategies, implement and monitor strategies, provide feedback to teams and determine effectiveness based on performance and implementation data.
The Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) as an Organizational Strategy
The OIP includes, but goes well beyond, the traditional plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle. When viewed as an organizational strategy, rather than an exercise in compliance, the OIP gives districts a template through which focused and intentional action can take place. It brings educators together through collaborative team structures to learn from each other, and it facilitates communication and decision-making between and across levels of the system (district, central office, school, grade levels, content areas, classrooms). The team structures at the core of the OIP form peer-to-peer networks, giving more people a voice and allowing for the inclusion of multiple perspectives in guiding each district’s journey toward organizational learning and continuous improvement.
Click the implementation wheel for an explanation of each step
Click the Supporting Implementation graphic above for a general overview of the Ohio Improvement Process process and additional information for vision and mission statements, collaborative teaming structures, and roles and responsibilities of effective teams.
Click the 5 Steps icon to use data to fuel change