Literacy Resources & Articles

Literacy Resources & Articles

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Reading Achievement Plan Overview

Reading Achievement Plan PowerPoint

Literacy Articles:

Literacy Blogs:

Literacy Related Courses & Modules:

Keys to Literacy

About Joan Sedita:
Joan is the founder of Keys to Literacy, and for over 40 years, Joan has been on a mission to help teachers, schools, and districts improve student literacy skills, especially students who struggle with reading and writing. Joan is an experienced educator, serving in the roles of teacher, school administrator, teacher trainer, and literacy consultant since 1975. She has provided literacy professional development to thousands of educators and related professionals at schools, colleges, clinics, and professional conferences.

Dr. Carol Tolman - International Literacy Consultant Videos

About Dr. Tolman: 
Carol Tolman, Ed.D, was awarded a doctorate in Educational Psychology with a concentration in literacy and has been a consultant at the state, district, and school levels for over 15 years.  In addition to spearheading many successful, long-term literacy initiatives throughout the country, Dr. Tolman has published Working Smarter, Not Harder: What Teachers of Reading Need to Know and Be Able to Do and The Relationship between Teacher Knowledge and Effective RtI: When we Know Better, we Do Better (IDA Perspectives). Carol is co-author of LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) Presenter’s Kits, co-author of LETRS Modules 1, 2nd Edition, co-author of LETRS Module 10, 2nd Edition, and co-author with Dr. Louisa Moats of the LETRS 3rd Edition series of text and on-line supports for teachers of reading and spelling.

Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties Modules

About Dr. David Kilpatrick: 
David A. Kilpatrick, PhD is a professor emeritus of psychology for the State University of New York College at Cortland. He is a New York State certified school psychologist with 28 years experience in schools. He has been teaching courses in learning disabilities and educational psychology since 1994. David is a reading researcher and the author of two books on reading, Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties, and Equipped for Reading Success, and is a co-editor of a third, Reading Development and Difficulties: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice.

Additional Activities & Courses:

The Course Enhancement Module (CEM) on Disciplinary Literacy (CEM–DL):

CEM-DL is a compilation of resources intended for use in the development and enhancement of teacher and leadership education courses, as well as for professional development programs for practitioners. The resources are designed to support professional learning opportunities for stakeholders invested in the support and instruction of students with disabilities and others who struggle with learning to meet college and career readiness standards.

Disciplinary Literacy and Complex Text:

The activities in this collection focus on disciplinary literacy across ELA, history, and science. Participants will deepen their understanding on disciplinary literacy and scaffolds for students to access complex texts through close reading and collaborative annotation.

Annenberg Learner's Reading and Writing in the Disciplines:

This course provides teachers and literacy coaches with an overview of disciplinary literacy, essential concepts related to proficient reading and writing, and general instructional practices that support literacy development indicated by the Common Core and NGSS. The course encompasses four discipline strands: Mathematics, Science, English and History/Social Studies. Teachers will see videos with classroom examples specific to each discipline, research on what literacy means in the four disciplines, and case studies of professionals using literacy in their daily work. An extensive website houses the course text and interactive features. 

The National Center on Improving Literacy:

In this tutorial, you will learn about what dyslexia is, as well as typical causes and effects of dyslexia, all in an online experience. You can select the topic you want to learn more about, or you can go through the whole tutorial. There is also an implementation tool kit for districts and schools.
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