Family/Community Engagement

Family/Community Engagement

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InspirED for Families

Image is of a Mom on the phone with her daughter playing on the floor with computer in the back ground
The following InspirED sessions are designed to connect families and caregivers with free information and resources to support accessibility, online learning, and more. From tips and ideas, to specific resources and strategies, we encourage you to use and share these InspirED resources with the people in your own communities. 

Real Talk - Ideas for Parenting Young Children

OSU early childhood experts provide information on common topics that families ask about in the RealTalk webinar series. Whether you are a father, mother, uncle, grandparent, or other parenting adult, join us for a 30-minute live session packed with information, top tips, and a chance to ask questions. This series is a collaboration between the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center and the A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning. The first webinar is on preparing for kindergarten. 


Family Community Engagement logo

Foundations of Family Engagement Free Course
Delivered in 3 learning blocks, the Foundations of Family Engagement free course builds knowledge and skills for effective family engagement. Participants will first individually complete an online module and then will meet together in a synchronous online workshop session to apply their knowledge.

Do you need reading tips, ideas, and resources?

Reading Tips for Families 
On March 1st of 2020, The Ohio Department of Education’s Office for Exceptional Children and the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities launched the website Reading Tips for Families
Reading Tips for Families was created to provide web-based reading tips, ideas, and resources for Ohio’s families. As we approach our one-year anniversary, we are happy to share that the website continues to grow. Each month new content is added to help families in Ohio and many other states learn about the science of reading and ways they can set their children up for reading success. We would love to hear from you. Visit our site and send your tip for reading success!

Ocali: Family and Community Outreach Center

Supporting the Parent Centers Who Serve Families of Children with Disabilities


Ohio Department of Education; Families of Students with Disabilities

A family of 4 together.  2 children, mom and dadFamilies are essential partners with teachers in supporting their child’s educational progress. This is especially true for families of students with disabilities. This page offers resources for you as a family member as you navigate the educational process for students with disabilities.  

Edutopia: Parent Partnership

Ohio Department of Education: Parent

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