State Support Team 5 News Article

Transition Tidbits November 13, 2023

Ohio Employment First

Confronting Fears of Working + Benefits Ohio Employment First 

  • How many times have we all heard about a student not wanting to work because they do not want to lose their benefits? This is a series of videos that try to confront those fears by showing professionals, families, and students that they can earn more through employment. The videos are a little long and may need to be cut into clips, to make them more parent-friendly, if you want to use them with families. Think of all the family engagement opportunities these can provide. Below is one of the 6 episodes of this series; SSI Benefits and Work. 

Employability/Life Skills Assessment (ELSA) 

  • An oldie but a goodie. This form has been updated so that it can now be filled in as a PDF. There is a parent and professional form which is a great way to compare and contrast scores from different environments. On the left side of this page are not only more assessments but also some great information about transition assessments. Check out some of the other Transition Assessments on the Ohio Employability First Website.

Transition Team Professionals 

  • Some more tools here that you may have seen before. These are great resources for us as we work to collaborate to improve student outcomes. Some really good resources here are the backward planning tools, the What Works for Work series, the vocabulary crosswalk, and who could forget about the effective practices and evidence-based predictors. Don’t get overwhelmed by all of these, maybe choose one you want to explore more for now. 

Regional Transition Network 

November 28, 2023 

1:00-3:00 PM 

ESC of Eastern Ohio 

Hybrid Via Zoom 

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